My friend lost her bracelet that is a gift from her daughter. Its not very valuable but has a lot of sentimental value. It was lost today in Mt pleasant- either Target, the Sunoco or Pet Co-
This is what she wrote-
I was at target in my pleasant target around 10:15 am. 4th spot from door, was at Sunoco 7/11 in front of Walmart/ Micheal’s right after that. And the petco at about 11 am.
Source: www.facebook.com/photo/?f…

My friend lost her bracelet that is a gift from her daughter. Its not very valuable but has a lot of sentimental value. It was lost today in Mt pleasant- either Target, the Sunoco or Pet Co-
This is what she wrote-
I was at target in my pleasant target around 10:15 am. 4th spot from door, was at Sunoco 7/11 in front of Walmart/ Micheal’s right after that. And the petco at about 11 am.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/…
- Lost
- Found